Microsoft Dynamics 365 & Cloud Migration

Business Challenge

Like all UK public sector organisations, our client, a local government body, has made a commitment to become cloud enabled and continuously improve IT assets to provide better services to citizens. The organisation selected DATACRUNCH as its partner of choice to help it meet these commitments and deliver public services efficiently, securely, and sustainably.

Solution Delivered

DATACRUNCH was tasked with carrying out a Microsoft Dynamics 365 adoption as well as a cloud-readiness assessment – which included the migration of the IBM Lotus Notes and Domino estate to cloud. As our team began developing a roadmap for change, it became apparent that the task before them was larger than envisioned. The scope of the project was broadened to include governance, risk management, and security.

Benefits Delivered

DATACRUNCH implemented a 365 adoption and cloud migration, helping our client to exploit their efficiencies and security, while creating a more effective digital governance ecosystem. Productivity has increased thanks to improved information sharing and the reduced administrative burden. And because employees can now work flexibly, securely, and collaboratively from any location, our client’s business is more efficient and resilient.