Cloud based BI Platform Enablement for a Leader in Oil & Gas Industry

Business Challenges
  • Need for a new cloud based BI platform which can integrate with their existing applications seamlessly and having the better visualization
  • Having rich visuals and accurate reports for enhanced decision making
  • Multiple SharePoint data sources and Azure DevOps sources needs be consolidated
  • Quick retrieval and analyzing of the data without any memory and performance constraints and should be cost beneficial
Solution Delivered
  • Enabling the cloud-cloud communication platform
  • Data modelling should be handled well at back end so that the reporting tool can acts as a self-service BI
  • Delivered implementation of dashboards
  • Easy visualize and predictive analytics should be possible
  • Publishing the reports to various users securely.
  • Speed and accuracy of data
  • Deploying comprehensive business solutions
  • Custom Visual development and usage within the reporting tool
Benefits Delivered
  • Implementation of moving towards cloud
  • Strategic direction and decision towards our view on the future BI solution architecture model
  • Overall cost benefits with high security standards
  • Accurate, Relevant, Timely and Web Enabled
  • Seamless explore of data visually
  • Ease of usability as a self-service BI